Monday, May 12, 2008

A Diamond In The Sky

Flyin' Like An Eagle

So my sister-in-law took a little bit of a leap in life. How incredible is this? She dropped the 'f' bomb once in the video but who wouldn't?? I'm so very happy for her. Congratulations on reaching one of your dreams, Rice-A-Roni!

PS - Do I not have the cutest niece EVAH???

Friday, May 9, 2008

Chest Pains, Irony, A Snack and A Smile

I had to find some humor in the fact that when I pulled up my blog this morning the top 'Google Ad' was about chest pains. Our family has been through a lot of trying times quite recently, not the least of which was a series of chest pains I had to see a cardiologist about. The Google Gods are psychic.

Ironically, despite the seeminly unyielding waves of stressors that are flinging themselves at my proverbial door, I started working on my book again and a new blog about how to reduce stress, relax and recharge your life. Self-healing? You betcha!

And finally, the snack. It's not really a snack - just a metaphorical one. A snack for your life. Take a few minutes this weekend and find something beautiful. Walk in the rain, look at the moon, contemplate a flower, share a smile, call an old friend or even paint a picture - even if you don't know how to paint. Give your life a snack and a smile!

Harmony Isle

Please visit my new blog:

I hope to add information to it several times a week.

Enjoy and thank you for reading!
